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Curriculum Vitae
name: Daisuke TSUJI
date of birth: 15 May 1965
nationality: Japanese
office address: Graduate Shool of Human Sciences, Osaka University
1-2 Yamadaoka, Suita Osaka 565-0871, JAPAN
2007-present Associate Professor, Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University
2002-07 Associate Professor, Faculty of Sociology, Kansai University
1999-02 Full-time Lecturer, Faculty of Sociology, Kansai University
1997-99 Research Associate, Institute of Socio-Information and Communication Studies (ISICS), University of Tokyo
1988-92 Copywriter, Creative Division, Hakuhodo Inc.
+ affiliate appointments:
2002-03 Academic Visitor, Japan Research Centre, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London
2000-01 Lecturer, Faculty of International Communication, Hannan University
2000 Lecturer, School of Sociology, Kwansei Gakuin University
1998-99 Lecturer, College of Humanities and Science, Nihon University
1998-99 Lecturer, Faculty of Sociology, Toyo University
1992-95 Graduate School of Social Science, University of Tokyo: MA in sociology
1984-88 Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University: BA in psychology
1981-84 Mikunigaoka Senior High School
Main Publications * The following are all written in Japanese.
2004 Young people's identities in their relations with parents and friends, The Bulletin of Faculty of Sociology, Kansai University, Vol.35-No.2, pp.147-159
2003 Reconsidering communicative intention and convention in meaning from the viewpoint of theoretical sociology, The Japanese Journal of Language in Society, vol.6-no.1, pp.29-39
2002 Metaphors mean what they literally mean, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association, vol.2, pp.276-279
2001 Irony, humor and satire, Gengo, vol.30-no.7, pp.54-60
2001 Trends of the Japanese Internet uses in 2000, JSICR Annual Report 2000, pp.55-70
2001 Verbal and nonverbal expressions in advertising, Nihongo-gaku, vol.20-no.61, pp.52-61
2000 Content analysis on personal homepages of Japan, USA and China, Reserach Bulletin of ISICS, University of Tokyo, No.14, pp.1-81 (with K.Ishii, Y.Hashimoto, S.Mikami and Y.Mori)
1999 Reading and writing, Socio-Information Studies vol.2, University of Tokyo Press
1999 Changes in Japanese youth communication and new electronic media, Children, Adolescents and Communication, Hokuju Press
1999 How to sell things with words, Language in the Twentieth Century, Domesu Press
1999 Young people's new speech style and their interpersonal relationship, Bulletin of ISICS, University of Tokyo, no.57, pp.17-42
1999 Comparative study on information behavior and personal computer use between Japanese and Korean junior high school students, Reserach Bulletin of ISICS, University of Tokyo, no.12, pp.69-120 (with Y.Hashimoto and Y.Kim)
1998 The pragmatics of contemporary art: a preliminary study, Papers of the 2nd Congress of Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Science, pp.52-57
1998 Advertising as speech act, Japanese Journal of Mass Communication Studies, no.52, pp.104-117
1997 The pragmatics of verbal irony, Bulletin of ISICS, University of Tokyo, no.55, pp.91-127
1997 Invitation to Communication Studies, Taishukan Press (with Y.Hashimoto, M.Fujita, R.Korenaga, M.Fukuda and Y.Mori)
1997 Internet as mass medium, Japanese Journal of Mass Communication Studies, no.50, pp.168-181
1996 Comparative studies in the images of Japanese: survey research on students from China, Korea and Japan, Reserach Bulletin of ISICS, University of Tokyo, no.8, pp.199-315 (with T.Kenjo et al.)
1996 The transfiguration of communication style in Japanese young moderns, Bulletin of ISICS, University of Tokyo, no.51, pp.42-61
1995 Influence of the news about Aum-shinrikyo and religious attitudes among university students, Reserach Bulletin of ISICS, University of Tokyo, no.6, pp.1-84 (with Y.Hashimoto et al.)
1995 Cognitive process of metaphor interpretation in communication, Bulletin of ISICS, University of Tokyo, no.50, pp.21-38
  last update: 20 April 2007